Welcome to Athens Amateur Radio Club!       

Anyone interested in learning more about ham radio is invited to the AARC monthly meetings which are on the 3rd Saturday of each month. Our meeting location is The First Presbyterian Church in Athens, Texas. Their address is 405 E. Corsicana Street at their Fellowship Hall. Our fellowship starts at 8:00 AM and our meeting starts at 9:00 am followed by our monthly program.

Our recent programs have included Beacons, Software Defined Radios, PSK31, propagation, antenna’s, EMP’s, and many others to follow, see you soon!

Our repeater, K5EPH, now requires CTCSS tone access of 136.5. For those without tone generators in their radios, you may dial 11 to temporarily disable the tone access. This step was taken to reduce interference, not to exclude anyone! All licensed hams are welcome.

The radio club as a Radio Loaner Program for our active members. Please see Ron Bean (President) for details on process and availability.


The Athens Ham Radio Club is conducting an upgrade for any Technician Class Hams. If you are a Technician and are interested in upgrading to the General Class, TVCC is hosting a class with the AARC and CCARC clubs. The class dates are Start Date: 9/23/2024 End Date: 12/2/2024. The link for more information and to register is here. The course will provide technician amateur radio operators with an in-depth understanding of requirements, information, and knowledge to successfully pass the FCC General Class License Exam. An exam session for testing will be held at its conclusion at TVCC.

BLACK-EYE PEA JAMBOREE   September 20 & September 21

The downtown portion of the Black Eye Pea Jamboreewill beginon Friday Sept 20 from 5:00pm through 9:00 pm for the Hispanic Heritage Celebration. Saturday morning Sept 21 will start at 8:00 am for the 5 K  run, the 1 k run and Family run at the Cain Center. Downtown Activities begin at 10 am through 7 pm throughout the day on Saturday.  The AARC is looking for volunteers to assist on either or both days.

AARC Monthly Meeting

NOTE: AARC monthly meetings have been growing and going strong!
Third Saturday of each month, 9AM, at The First Presbyterian Church in Athens, TX 75751. Address is 405 E. Corsicana St. 

Come early and  and socialize with us!
Meeting topics will cover various technical and operating aspects of ham radio and emergency service. As a club member, you are welcome to present a program if you wish. Just pick a topic in which you are interested, and contact one of the officers. All hams and want-to-be-hams are welcome to attend our meetings. We hope to see you there!

We are restructuring our tech nets. The Henderson County Ham Clubs will be having their combined tech net on Monday evenings starting at 7:00 pm. The AARC and CCRC repeaters are linked, so please join us on which ever repeater provide the best coverage for your location. K5EPH 147.220 & K5CCL 146.900.

We are a 501.3(c) non profit and would appreciate your donations toward helping AARC fulfill its mission of community service. Our mailing address is

AARC                                                                                                                                            PO Box 1641, Athens, TX 75751

AARC OFFICERS 2024-2025                                                                                              Ron Bean KJ5XX – President
Douglas Earnest KI5UFQ – Vice President
Jack Stapleton KF7FVX – Secretary

Don Lambertson KI5MIR – Treasurer

Henderson County ARES

…has a facebook site at https://www.facebook.com/HendersonARES/. Please see this new site for info relevant to radio emergency preparedness and ARES operations for our Henderson County ARES group.

We’re the Henderson County Weather Spotters!     

The National Weather Service contacts AARC to activate the Weather Net. The Net is conducted on the repeater, and Storm Spotters are dispatched to remote locations. Weather information is reported to the Net, and the Net Controller sends it to the National Weather Service.